Psychology is the study of mind and behavior.
Psychology Notes
- Model Agnosticism
- The brain’s perceptual systems actively and pre-consciously interpret and edit their input
- Representationalism
- Resentment
- Equanimity
- Natural consequences
- Locus of control
- Cognitive distortion
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
- Capitalism destroys sources of stable identity so that it can market new ones
- Capitalism needs people who can quickly jump from one identity the next
- Psychiatric categories fulfill the need for stable identities in our chaotic late capitalist society
- For many people, mental illness categories are more for providing definitive identities and predictability in our chaotic late capitalist society than for mental health
- People may defend their mental illnesses because challenges threaten the stability of their identity, clarity, and community
- Psychiatric categories provide in-groups with behavioral scripts from which behavioral uniformity may be imposed
- Depressive realism
- Enabling
- The results of an action can disincentivize us to perform that action in the future
- Mindfulness can help see through our baises toward selfish tendencies and increase empathy
- Meditators have been shown to be able to uncouple negative emotional reactions from their behavior
- The emotions associated with immoral conduct can be distracting during meditation
- Generosity without expectation for reward is intrensically rewarding
- Mindfulness can help us move past arbitrary moral codes
- Ultimatum Game
- Humans are the only animals who struggle for survival
- Our culture confaltes happiness with pleasure
- Pleasure
- Happiness
- Processing ambiguity requires right hemisphere intuition because language is to precise and definite
- We tend to overestimate the importance of one defining moment and underestimate the effect of small actions on a daily basis
- Our bad decisions may seem insubstantial in the short term but if repeated can compound over the long term
- After we accomplish a goal, we have nothing to motivate us to continue working
- Breakthrough moments are the result of the compounding of incremental actions
- Goldilocks Rule
- Improvement requires behaviors to remain novel in order to maintain engangement
- To really become proficient in something, you will inevitably have to embrace boredom
- The evolutionary function of guilt is to prevent us from disappointing parental figures
- Learned helplessness
- Rats previously exposed to repeated uncontrollable stressors were shown to be unable to learn how to avoid shocks
- People who develop learned helplessness lack the motivation to apply coping strategies in adverse situations
- Organisms who develop learned helplessness are less capable of perceiving the effectiveness of their coping strategies
- Those undergoing significant stress are more likely to develop depression
- Poverty can bring many psychological stressors
- The poor are less able to plan for the future and can only respond to present stressors
- The poor have less outlets to help deal with stress
- Xenophobia
- Working memory
- Classical conditioning
- Will to meaning
- Existential frustration
- Noögenic neuroses
- Existential frustration does not always entail neurosis
- Having meaning to ones life can help someone withstand even the worst conditions
- Noö-dynamics
- Existential vacuum
- The existential vacuum has spread through humanity due to the lack of instincts to help guide human behavior
- The existential vacuum has spread through humanity due to the lack of a central tradition to our their lives
- The existential vacuum may be numbed by the pursuit of power or pleasure
- The logotherapist tries to broaden the patients attention to potential meaning and responsibility in the world
- Meaning must be found in the outside world rather than being created in ones own mind
- We can find meaning in uncontrollable suffering by taking it as a challenge to triumph and change our attitudes
- If suffering is avoidable, we should strive to remove it rather than endure it
- Finding meaning in our suffering can counter act the tendency instilled in us by conventional psychiatry to be ashamed of our unhappiness
- Since suffering is unavoidable, it can be a constant source of meaning
- Lack of predictability predicts stress-response
- Lack of control predicts stress-response
- Behaviorism assumes that it is external entities that control learning
- Psychologists were quick to begin using conditioning on children soon after it’s conception
- The behaviorist model of learning overlooks the role of the students own experience of learning
- Around the 1960s, cognitive psychologists became dissatisfied with behaviorism for understanding learning and started focusing more on thought
- Cognitive scientists measured learning through observation of natural learning or through tests in controlled settings
- The cognitive science approach to learning strips it of it’s context and meaning to the student
- A cognitive model of learning which suggests that learning is only the commitment of information to long-term memory has gained precedence in schools
- Schools have extrapolated form chess professionals that storing information into long-term memory ahead of time will prepare them for expertise later
- People become experts in something by actively doing it rather than by preparing for it
- Experts have purpose and context in what they learn because they have chosen to learn it
- The cognitive approach to learning overlooks the role of environment in a students capacity to learn something
- Children make logical choices based on what they already know when confronted with contradictory information
- Instructing a child’s education can prevent them from learning other possibilities by making them more likely to imitate
- Children learn by actively using their own prior knowledge to understand new experiences
- Informally educated children learn through personal observation and imitation, whereas school children tend to learn by waiting for someone else to show them what to do
- Education should be oriented toward whatever is important in the students particular culture and environment
- Community of practice
- Learning outside of school involves active doing and purpose, whereas learning in school involves abstracted standardized outcomes
- Learning by immersion makes it difficult to ascertain ones progress because their are no preconfigured testing methods
- Thought-terminating cliché
- Stress experienced by humans is generally psychological or social
- Natural consequences allow people to make associations between actions and their inherent consequences
- Natrual consequences foster intrinsic motivation
- Jump out of the system
- Mechanical mode
- Being self-reliant means living in the present and not relying on previous authority’s
- Societies overvaluation of interpersonal relationships has lead people to overlook other ways of finding personal fulfillment
- Solitude allows for self-change and self-discovery by freeing us from the needs and expectations of other people
- Psychopathy
- Multitasking can worsen cognitive inhibition
- Antifragility
- Without stressors, our bodies and minds will deteriorate
- By the 2000s, the concept of trauma in psychiatry had expanded to include subjective harm
- You should embrace the unique role you have in the order of the universe
- Those who are not following their own unique course experience friction from being in conflict with the order of the Universe
- Our sense of ourselves as separate from the Universe prevents us from conducting its currents
- The development of a subjective definition of harm made subjective claims to harm a valid reason for protection
- By the 2000s, the concept of trauma in psychiatry had expanded to include subjective harm
- Some leftists try to silence apposing ideas or form safe spaces from them because they believe it may harm those who’s own subjective experience is invalidated
- We must expose ourselves to trauma in order to overcome our aversion toward it
- Exposure therapy
- Safetyism
- Safetyism causes a feedback loop in which people become ever more fragile
- Seeing people as fragile leads to the notion that they must always be protected by discomfort
- Language is constituted by metaphor
- Metaphiers eventually become their own words over time
- Science used to see attention as involuntary and hardwired
- Repression