Idolatry 🧠
Language can be seen as a kind of metaphor, and because perception is not absolute, all of our ideas are somewhat conjectural and inferential. Idolatry refers to when our reality tunnel becomes a subjective bias to the point where the metaphorical or inferential nature of models is either forgotten or repressed. It is the stage of innocence or arrogance in which the the fifth stage of perception, that is, somebody’s edited mental representation, or their Emic Reality, is confused with the first stage, the energy-event or Etic Reality “out there.”
The way we attend to something changes whatever that thing is to uss. The idolator, however, believes they see things objectively. To the idolater things or events “really are” what they appear to be as coded in there favorite reality tunnel. Any other reality tunnel, however useful it may appear to others in different contexts, must then be either delusory or fraudulent. Anybody who disagrees with the idolater must be, by definition, a loony or a liar. This is the mentality that underlies all inquisitions.
- Wilson, A., Robert (1986). The New Inquisition Chapter 1 Models, Metaphors, and Idols (Page 30 · Location 507). Grand Junction, Colorado: Hilaritas Press
Type:🔵 Tags: Psychology / Semantics / Philosophy / Epistemology / Ontology / Surveillence Status:☀️