Anything that cannot be measured is considered meaningless or nonexistent to science

Indeed, Fundamentalist Materialist science is about quantifying everything. If you can’t measure something and assign a metric, it may as well not exist. Homeopathic medicine, human rapport, and the humanities themselves would fall into this category. Their benefits, even their very existence, cannot be acknowledged because there’s no instrument capable of quantifying them.

But reality is weirder than this. All you need to do is walk in nature, have sex, talk to a cat, or watch a movie to understand there is more going on here than can be described by the standardized metrics of science or the sampling rates of digital recording devices. There’s information between the lines and off the map. Things happen that violate the laws, challenge our long-held assumptions, and suggest that reality is not what it seems.


Type:🔴 Tags: Psychology / Philosophy / Epistemology / Ontology / Semantics Status:☀️