The more certain of our views we become, the more we perceive ourselves to be victims of an impersonal world🧠

Idolatry comes not only with a certainty of always being right, but also a total sense of external locus of control. It seems paradoxical, but the more totally right a person becomes, the more helpless they also become. This is because being right means “knowing” and “knowing” means completely understanding the “real” universe. Since the “real” universe is, by definition, “objective” and “outside of us” and not our creation (contra The reality that we observe is being co-created by our minds), we are made puny by it. We cannot act, but only re-act. As the “real” universe pushes us, we push back. But it is bigger, so we will lose eventually.


Type:🔴 Tags: Psychology / Philosophy / Epistemology / Ontology Status:☀️