The emptiness and anxiety that people with a weak identity feel becomes more acute during periods of solitude

The feeling of emptiness associated with the fact that people with a weak sense of identity lack a foundation to structure and direct their lives may be the root cause of the loneliness experienced by so many in our day. A society inflicted by a pathology of emptiness is also a society full of anxiety ridden individuals. For if we feel our self to be powerless to exert control over our life and uncertain of our ability to face up to the challenges of our environment, then anxiety is a natural response.

And for empty people this anxiety is most strongly felt during periods of solitude. If we have no other people around to lean on, or to distract us, then our thoughts turn inward and this leads empty poeple to become aware of their inner void. Therefore, unlike an individual with a strong and individuated sense of identity, for whom periods of solitude can be rejuvenating, solitude for empty people is experienced as a painful loneliness and something they must flee from.


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