The poor have less outlets to help deal with stress

Along with all of that stress (Poverty can bring many physical stressors, Poverty can bring many psychological stressors) and reduced means of coping (The poor are less able to plan for the future and can only respond to present stressors), poverty brings with it a marked lack of outlets. Feeling a little stressed with life and considering a relaxing vacation, buying an exercycle, or taking some classical guitar lessons to get a little peace of mind? Probably not. Or how about quitting that stressful job and taking some time off at home to figure out what you’re doing with your life? Not when there’s an extended family counting on your paycheck and no money in the bank. Feeling like at least jogging regularly to get some exercise and let off some steam? Statistically, a poor person is far more likely to live in a crime-riddled neighborhood, and jogging may wind up being a hair-raising stressor.


Type:🔴 Tags: Psychology / Economics Status:☀️