
Po is a term intended to denote a kind of thinking that goes beyond the limits of stricly true/false logic. Where true/false logic works with familiar assocations and generalizations, po thinking moves laterally with unfamiliar associations. Po thinking can unleash creativity and measurably improve ability to solve unfamiliar probelms. In po mode, one proceeds laterally into the unfamiliar and deliberately bizzare. Any concept can be attatched to, say, “geometry” just by placing po inbetween. Po thinking is linked neurologically to the right hemisphere because the right hemisphere can link together distantly related words and ideas.

This process may underly creative breakthroughs in the sciences. It seems that somewhere along the path that lead to special relativety, Albert Einstein must have been thinking something like photons po humans. In trye/false logic, it is a very, very unlikely connection. Photons, in true/false logic, lead to physics and thus mathematics and cosmology, etc., while humans leads to psychology and thus to sociology and evolution, etc. Part of the creation of psychoanalysis probably included Sigmund Freud pondering sexuality po forgetting or sexualiy po dreaming or something equally “unconnected”—before he connected them. Of course, some po thinking may lead to poetry or great surrealist paintings instead of science. If we try to think of a non-dual or non-local existence or a unified continuum—Then any damned Po game makes sense; that is, you could insert a po between any two alledgedly seperate things or areas of knowledge and there would be a valid percpetive gained. There is no guarantee where po will land you, which is part of the justification for thinking it relates to the mystery we call “creativity.”

Obviously, if po thinking is related to creativity, and po thinking also arouses anxiety in the blocked or repressed mind, then we can easily see why so many creative people have been so visciously persecuted. We perhaps begin to understand Fundamentalisms of all sorts.


Type:🔵 Tags: Psychology / Philosophy / Logic Status:☀️