
Non-returning is the third stage of the four stages of awakening. The non-returner eradicates the five “lower fetters”. That is, in addition to the first three fetters eliminated by stream-entry, the non-returner eradicates two additional fetters, sensual lust and ill will. The non-returner is still bound by the five “higher fetters”: desire for existence in the form realm, desire for existence in the formless realm, the conceit “i am”, restlessness, and ignorance. Becuase non-returners have eradicated sensual lust, they have no ties binding them to the The sense-sphere realm. Thus, they take birth in The form realm, generally in one of the five planes called the “pure abodes” exclusivley reserved for non-returners. They attain final Nibbana there without ever returning to the sensual realm.


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