A self-reliant person should not be afraid to contradict themselves
Another thing that deters us from self-reliance is the mistaken idea that consistency is a virtue. People tend to judge who we are by our past acts and words, and so we are afraid to go against them today. But why drag around this corpse of your memory when really there is nothing to be lost by contradicting it? One who is self-reliant should not bother themselves with who they used to be but should instead simply live mindfully. With consistency a great individual has simply nothing to do. Speak boldly what you think now, and tomorrow speak boldly what you think again, though it may contradict everything you said today. This inconsistency may lead to you being misunderstood, but is it so bad to be misunderstood? Every great thinker has been misunderstood. To be great is to be misunderstood.
- Emerson, W,. Ralph. (1844). Self-Reliance and Other Essays Chapter 2 Self-Reliance (Location 490). Dover Publications.
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