The behaviorist model of learning overlooks the role of the students own experience of learning
Behaviorism assumes that it is external entities that control learning. Conditioning works on its own terms for many students. Success is when there is a change in a students’s behavior: perhaps they remember to hand in their homework after being given a detention for forgetting. The result of this apparent success is that many schools and teachers forget that it misses something out. That something is the experience of the student themselves. It doesn’t matter, from a behaviorist perspective, what the student thinks. A student might be complying with school requirements and yet feeling furious and resentful. When they are younger, many of them put up with it, but as they get older, much of their true feelings start to show.
- Fisher, Naomi. (2021). Changing Our Minds Chapter 2. Learning – Scientists, Processors and Rats (p. ). London, UK: Robinson Publishing.
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