Politics Constellation
Political subjects I’ve written notes on:
- Humanity is only poor because the products of our labor are seized by a few owners
- Since every creation is the culmination of countless contributors, no single individual should be able to claim it as their own
- Capitalism forces the worker to give up much of what they produce❗️
- People go without because the bourgeois will limit production in order to keep prices up
- A lot of work in a capitalist system is wasted on useless products
- Every product is to some extent dependent on the external community
- A communist society would be forced to immediately abandon all wage systems
- Communist tendencies can be seen in all individualist societies
- Individualist societies still have many services that do not measure individual consumption or contribution to society before use
- Organization would be more efficient and less constraining without government intervention
- Expropriation
- The wealth of the rich is derived from the poverty of the poor
- No one will sell their labour if they are given access to all things civilization produces
- The whole economy must be expropriated simultanuosly to ensure the success of the revolution
- Food, clothes and housing must also be expropriated as they are as necessary to the worker as intruments of production are themselves
- The revolution must handle food before any other issue
- The revolution should begin by taking possesion of and keeping account of all food
- Upon revolution, wage labour must be abolished immediatly in order to ensure that people can be fed
- Communes will not limit the consumption of abundent resources, and will only do so whenever it becomes scarce
- We should let people organize themselves freely according to immediate need
- The productive force of labour increased by capitalism must be seized by the workers to ensure well-being for all
- Under capitalism, even the well-being of highpayed workers is volatile and insecure
- Writers in an anarcho-communist society with work with collaborators instead of publishers to get their work published
- The greatest science is always self-financed
- Directly seeing our well-being increase in proportion to our work is a better motivator to work than a wage
- Most of the so-called lazy have simply found themselves in the wrong place
- Many people condemn laziness without enquiring into it’s cause
- It is often workplaces who work together without supervision who see the good quality of the work
- Upon abolishing private property, wages would also have to be abolished along with it
- A distinction between professional and simple work results in social inequalities
- Collectivist remuneration will only perpetuate the injustices of capitalist society
- Since work is the a collaborative effort of the whole of society, it is impossible to measure the individual value of labour
- The collectivists are aware that the needs of the individual do not always correspond to their works
- We should begin the organization of production around the needs of the people, rather than beginning with production
- Eugenics had dismissed the democratic ideal that all people are of equal value
- The eugenics movement first took hold in the United States in the late 1800s when immigration began to increase and immigrants filled asylums
- Eugenics had spread from America to Nazi Germany when their economy fell after world war I and they couldn’t afford to place mentally ill soldiers in asylums
- German eugenicists were funded by wealthy Americans to accumulate evidence that mental illness was speading genetically
- The high rate of sterilization in Nazi Germany encouraged the U.S. and other countries to pick up the pace
- Nazi Germany was inspired by U.S. eugenicists to begin killing the unfit
- Support for the killing of the unfit began to slowly spead in the U.S. after 1911
- In 1940, Nazi Germany had began using gas chambers to kill the unfit after being advised to do so by U.S. eugenicists
- Some leftists try to silence apposing ideas or form safe spaces from them because they believe it may harm those who’s own subjective experience is invalidated
- Intersectionality
- Anarchism
- Capitalism
- Capital
- Socialism
- Communism
- Common ownership
- Private property
- Means of production
- Bourgeoisie
- Proletariat
- Wage-slavery
- Capitalist businesses must turn a profit for the owners in order to survive
- Caring about ethical matters is harmful for capitalist institutions because its not profitable
- Businesses seek to form monopolies so they can increase profits by maximizing prices
- Businesses seek to pay workers as little as possible increase profits
- The pursuit of profit by businesses leads to ever-increasing wealth accumulation and inequality
- Upon abolishing private property, wages would also have to be abolished along with it
Privacy / Security / Surveillance
- Ubiquitous surveillence and data mining eliminates the ephemerality of our past words and actions
- The law can find a reason to convict anyone if they have enough data on them
- Data mining can lead us into trouble in the present for something that wasn’t considered wrong previously
- Society will have no chance of progress if surveillance prevents it from deviating our current beliefs and values
- Surveillence leads people to refrain from speaking and acting freely
- Privacy allows us to selectively reveal aspects of ourselves depending on the situation
- Violations of privacy may vary depending on the context
- There are many things that we choose to keep private that are not necessarily wrong
- Mass surveillence and data mining is more suitable for population discrimination than for legal investigations
- Censorship is more about preventing effective organization than for banishing harmful ideas
- Privately owned cloud computing and user devices give companies compete control over our digital environment
- Politicians can use surveillence data to discriminate as away to sell canidates for political decisions
- Our online data makes us a product which internet companies sell to their real customers
- Both corporate and government surveillence support and on rely each other
- The SNAFU principle
- In every authoritarian structure, ones views must accord with their superiors rather than with objective reality in order to prevent oppression
- Every ruler has their preestablished views reinforced by their subordinates because they’re afraid to tell them contrary opinions
- Participation in spying-and-hiding transactions will eventually produce the classic symptonms of clinical paranoia
- The secret police create a social context for the return to the mechanisms of the Holy Inquisition
- Every conspiracy regards itself as an affinity group
- Public schooling fosters confusion through a fragmented and out of context material
- Forced material and class schedules leads students to become indifferent towards self-initiaited learning
- The numbering, grading, and ordering of students conditions them to tacitly accept their hierachical position
- The use of positive and negative reinforcement in schools condition students for emotional dependence on authority
- Schools encourage intellectual dependency towards authority by discouraging inquiry
- School grades teach students to believe that their self-worth depends on expert opinion
- Constant evaluation in schools teaches students that they are under constant surveillence and that privacy is illegitamate
- Public schools serve to manufacture a manageable population and to put down dissent and originality
- The US public schooling system has its roots in Prussia
- Alexander Inglis
- Alexander Inglis six basic functions of school
- the adaptive function
- the integrating function
- the differentiating function
- the selective function
- The propaedeutic function
- The poor child-rearing in societies are necessary to create people who fit the standard roles of traditional society
- The US public schooling system has its roots in Prussia
- Schools maintain a continuous present by seperating children and old people from adults
- We need to adopt a means of education which embraces independent study and encourages self-reliance
- A school reform should reintigrate the family
- Genetic theories of medical or mental conditions can enable people or society to absolve themselves from responsibility
- Societies swing back and forth between matrist and patrist values
- Anyone who can scare people enough can sell any semantic map that seems to give them relief
- A negative imprint of the limbic system leads one to see everything as dangerous, hostile and frightening
- As civilization has advanced, the bio-survival bond with the gene pool has been replaced with a bio-survival bond with money
- Suicide rates rise in accordance with the rise of interest rates
- Bio-survival anxiety will only permanently disappear when everyone has enough money
- Capitalism destroys sources of stable identity so that it can market new ones
- Capitalism needs people who can quickly jump from one identity the next
- Psychiatric categories fulfill the need for stable identities in our chaotic late capitalist society
- For many people, mental illness categories are more for providing definitive identities and predictability in our chaotic late capitalist society than for mental health
- True politics is something you actively live rather than an ideology to identify with