Privacy Constellation
- Ubiquitous surveillence and data mining eliminates the ephemerality of our past words and actions
- The law can find a reason to convict anyone if they have enough data on them
- Data mining can lead us into trouble in the present for something that wasn’t considered wrong previously
- Censorship is more about preventing effective organization than for banishing harmful ideas
- Surveillence leads people to refrain from speaking and acting freely
- Society will have no chance of progress if surveillance prevents it from deviating our current beliefs and values
- Privacy allows us to selectively reveal aspects of ourselves depending on the situation
- Violations of privacy may vary depending on the context
- There are many things that we choose to keep private that are not necessarily wrong
- Mass surveillence and data mining is more suitable for population discrimination than for legal investigations
- Privately owned cloud computing and user devices give companies compete control over our digital environment
- Politicians can use surveillence data to discriminate as away to sell canidates for political decisions
- Our online data makes us a product which internet companies sell to their real customers
- Both corporate and government surveillence support and on rely each other