It is often workplaces who work together without supervision who see the good quality of the work
Authoritarians pretend that it is the almighty employer and there overseers who maintain regularity and quality of work. In reality, in every somewhat complicated enterprise, in which the goods produced pass through many hands before being finished, it is the workplace itself, the workers as a unity, who see to the good quality of the work. A certain standard of public morals is maintained in the same way. Authoritarians say it is due to guards, judges and policemen, whereas in reality it is maintained in spite of judges, policemen and guards. ‘Many are the laws producing criminals!’ was said long ago. When a company, federated with other companies, fails to fulfil its engagements, the other companies threaten to cancel the contract, and that threat usually suffices.
- Kropotkin, Peter. (1892). The Conquest of Bread Chapter 12. Objections (p. 214).