The secret police create a social context for the return to the mechanisms of the Holy Inquisition
Less than ten years after the secret police game was established here by the National Security Act of 1948, the books of Dr. Wilhelm Reich were burned in a New York incinerator by government order. This was a shocking sight to some of us, who remembered that we had recently fought a long war against Nazi Germany for, among other things, their crime “against civilization” of burning books. Shortly thereafter. Dr. William Ivy, former head of a department at Chicago Medical School, was subjected to ten years of legal harassment for espousing a radical cancer cure. More recently, Dr. Timothy Leary was sentenced to 38 years imprisonment for his controversial ideas about neurotransmitters and reimprinting. Now there is a war on against holistic physicians.
It doesn’t matter wether or not these “heretics” were right or wrong. Scientific truth is only determined after a generation or more of research. It is not determined by censoring the dissenters or throwing them in prison. The point is that the secret police game immediatly creates a social context for the return to the mechanisms of the Holy Inquisition. The intelligence of the entire society—the communication networks through which information is recieved, decoded, and translated—is the first casualty.
- Wilson, A., Robert. (1983). Prometheus Rising Chapter 16 The Snafu Principle (Location 3047). Grand Junction, Colorado: Hilaritas Press.