Caring about ethical matters is harmful for capitalist institutions because its not profitable

The bourgeoisie can’t care about the welfare of workers or protecting the environment because those things aren’t profitable. Capitalism doesn’t allow for businesses to be driven by ethics or morals or scruples. Because of the Capitalist businesses must turn a profit for the owners in order to survive, only building profits will allow a company to survive. Anything that reduces profitability is inherently harmful to a capitalist entity.

Sure, sometimes profitability does line up with good causes. Sometimes it’s cheaper to be more environmentally sustainable, for instance, or maybe donating to a charity will will result in a big tax break for the capitalists, or maybe it’s just good marketing to support a worthy cause. But this is all just incidental. Don’t be fooled for a moment into believing that the bourgeoisie cares about the welfare of society. It’s all about the profit.


Type: 🔵 Tags: Politics / Economics Status:☀️