Politicians can use surveillence data to discriminate as away to sell canidates for political decisions

Unique harms can arise from the use of surveillence data in politics. Election politics is very much a kind of marketing, and poltiticians are starting to utilize the capabilities of the fact that data mining and personalized algorithms create an online experience that is increasingly tailored to our interests to dicriminate as away to track voting patterns and better sell a canidate for political decision. Canidates can create ads and fund-raising appeals targeted to patilcular categories: people who earn a certain income, gun owners, people who have read knews articles on one side of a paticular issue, unemployed veterans, etc. They can target outraged ads to one group of people, and thoughtful policy based ads to another. They can also fine-tune their get-out-the-vote campaigns on Election day, and more effectively gerrymander disctrics between elections.


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