In capitalism, the high pay offered to a minority of workers results in a majority of workers who struggle to get by
What, too, shall we say to the price which is paid for the relative well-being of certain categories of workers within capitalist society? Unfortunately, it is paid for by the ruin of agriculture, the shameless exploitation of the poor, and the misery of the masses. In comparison with the minority of workers who enjoy a certain comfort, how many millions of people live from paycheck to paycheck, without a secure wage, and are ready to take whatever opprotunities for work are offered to them; how many of the poor work are overworked for a low wage? Capitalism depopulates the country, exploits the colonies and the countries where industries are but little developed, dooms the immense majority of wokers to remain without technical education, to remain mediocre even in their own trade.
- Kropotkin, Peter. (1892). The Conquest of Bread Chapter 8. Ways and means (p. 144).