Psychiatry Constellation
Notes on psychiatry:
- Depression
- Psychiatry’s expectation for constant positivity leads to the suppression of outrage toward oppression and the dismissal of trauma caused by society
- Psychiatry plays a moralizing role for society by defining behavior in terms of normal and abnormal
- Psychiatric diagnosis’ can distort and control dissenting information by regarding rebellious behavior as a product of mental illness
- Psychiatric categories fulfill the need for stable identities in our chaotic late capitalist society
- For many people, mental illness categories are more for providing definitive identities and predictability in our chaotic late capitalist society than for mental health
- Psychiatric categories provide in-groups with behavioral scripts from which behavioral uniformity may be imposed
- People may defend their mental illnesses because challenges threaten the stability of their identity, clarity, and community
- Parents seek autism diagnoses for their children to acquire eligibility for school and therapeutic programs
- ADHD and addiction can be traced to similar causes
- ADHD and sleep dificiency symptoms are nearly identical
- Probiotic consumption has been shown to reverse depression symptoms
- Depression can interfere with circadian cortisol regulation
- Eugenics considered the mentally ill to be the most unfit
- The eugenics movement first took hold in the United States in the late 1800s when immigration began to increase and immigrants filled asylums
- Charles Davenport approached his eugenics studies by applying Mendelian inheritance to human behavior traits
- Aaron Rosanoff had adjusted the definition of mental illness to make his inheritance calculations more accurate in order to justify the sterilization of the mentally ill
- The eugenics movement had established the paradigm that mental illness was genetically inherited
- Although the mentally ill were far less likely to have sex, eugenicists had rationalized the notion that they were breeding prolifically by proposing that it was the unsupervised ones that were doing so
- People with depression generally have higher levels of glucocorticoids due to an overactive stress-response
- Rats previously exposed to repeated uncontrollable stressors were shown to be unable to learn how to avoid shocks
- People who develop learned helplessness lack the motivation to apply coping strategies in adverse situations
- Organisms who develop learned helplessness are less capable of perceiving the effectiveness of their coping strategies
- Those undergoing significant stress are more likely to develop depression
- Genes that predispose someone to depression are only expressed when they are repeatedly exposed to stressors
- Genetic theories of medical or mental conditions can enable people or society to absolve themselves from responsibility
- Psychiatry has not yet been able to come up with laboratory tests for psychiatric conditions
- Psychiatric diagnosis is dependent on subjective judgement rather than empirical tests
- The cutoffs in the bell-shaped curves which psychology often relies on to define normality are determined by context
- The two standard deviation for determining high or low IQ is arbitrary and dependent on context
- Psychiatrist have expanded the percentage of mental illness to fit more people in order to expand their business
- Mental disorder and and normality are too ambiguous to distinguish between
- The ambiguity between mental disorder and normality puts into question which disorders should be included in the DSM and who receives diagnosis
- Each mental disorder is defined by a precise set of symptoms, how many must be present, and their duration
- The threshold for diagnosing mental disorders are somewhat arbitrary and can be adjusted
- Psychiatry diagnostic thresholds oscillate to avoid over or under diagnosis
- Some people believe psychiatry can find the true essence of mental disorders
- Reliability and validity must be balanced when defining mental disorders
- The DSM has to prioritize reliability when defining mental disorders to prevent disagreement, which sacrifices validity
- By embracing reliability of definitional criteria, the DSM has become overreliant on using simple checklists to diagnose people
- Psychiatrists must run field trials for each new set of diagnostic criteria to prevent unpleasant surprises
- Field trails for new diagnostic criteria for mental disorders are unreliable for predicting future rates
- Field trials for diagnostic criteria for mental disorders are tested on samples of people chosen by researchers, generating better results than in real psychiatric settings
- It is much easier for psychiatrists to diagnose in a field study than in everyday practice
- Pharma companies exploit the fuzziness between mild mental disorder and being probably well to extend diagnosis and sell more drugs
- Mental illness rates have increased do to adjustment in definition rather than increased distress
- Psychiatric diagnosis tends to rise when it can lead to something valuable
- Psychiatrists are drawn toward premature diagnosis in order to be reimbursed by medical insurance companies
- Before the 70s, psychiatric drugs were very risky and were only given to the sickest of patients
- During the 70s, psychiatric drugs became much less risky and were beginning to be offered to the wider temporarily distressed public
- In the late 80s and 90s, new SSRIs began to sell widely and rapidly
- After the 90s, antipsychotics began to be prescribed carelessly even to non-schizophrenics
- Pharma finds its biggest market for psychiatric drugs in the worried well rather than the genuinely mentally ill
- Finding meaning in our suffering can counter act the tendency instilled in us by conventional psychiatry to be ashamed of our unhappiness
- As of 2010, 85 percent of students have depression and anxiety scores higher than the average in the 50s
- As of 2010, suicide rates have quadrupled for students under 15 and and doubled for those between 15 and 24
- Scores for MMPI and MMPI-A tests rose significantly between 1938 and 1989
- Locus of control
- Internal-External Locus of Control Scale
- Free play can elevate mental health in students by giving them a sense of control and choice
- Studies have shown children to be the least happy while in school and the most happy when out of school and with friends
- The development of a subjective definition of harm made subjective claims to harm a valid reason for protection
- By the 2000s, the concept of trauma in psychiatry had expanded to include subjective harm
- Stimulants have been shown to subdue children and make them emotionally flat
- The claim that ADHD is caused by low dopamine levels is a drug-marketing claim with little evidence
- Ritalin
- Juvenile bipolar disorder first arose in tandem with stimulant and antidepressant treatment in children
- Stimulants have been shown to not improve behavior over the long-term
- The major NIMH trail that proved the superiority of stimulants for treating ADHD over therapy did not include a placebo group and 20 percent of the therapy group were on stimulants
- In a follow up to a major NIMH trail, Stimulants showed behavioral deterioration for ADHD patients after 14 months
- Amphetamines are known to induce psychotic and manic episodes
- Some psychiatrists had explained away the co-arising of juvenile bipolar and childhood stimulant and antidepressant treatment by claiming that the drugs revealed an underlying disorder rather than causing it
- There are many reports of children experiencing psychosis during stimulant treatment for ADHD
- The symptoms of stimulant treatment for ADHD closely resemble those of bipolar disorder
- Long-term administration of antidepressants in children show risk for the development of bipolar disorder
- A majority of bipolar cases were shown to be preceded by stimulant or antidepressant