Every product is to some extent dependent on the external community
Every society, on abolishing private property, will be forced to organize itself on the lines of communistic anarchism. Anarchy leads to communism, and communism to anarchy, both alike being expressions of the predominant tendency in modern societies, the pursuit of equality.
Though there was once a time when people could probably consider some things as products of their own isolated labour, this way of looking at things was still not entirely correct. There is always something involved in the process that was made in common; and even in those days a peasant family could not live alone, but was dependent in a countless ways on the external community. And nowadays, in the present state of industry, when everything is increasingly interdependent, when each branch of production is knit up with all the rest, the attempt to claim an individualist origin for the products of industry is absolutely untenable. The astonishing perfection attained by various industries is due to the simultaneous development of a thousand other industries great and small.
- Kropotkin, Peter. (1892). The Conquest of Bread Chapter 3. Anarchist communism (p. 71).