Psychiatric diagnosis’ can distort and control dissenting information by regarding rebellious behavior as a product of mental illness

  • diagnosis that pertain to one’s
  • mental fortitude
  • Such as autism or schizophrenia, are an easy excuse to dismiss dissenting information as the product of such illnesses
  • Do do it’s subjective nature, manifestations of dissent can easily be dismissed as potential mental illness

One of the forms of social control built into psychiatry is its ability to distort and control dissenting information. Every fundamentalism perpetuates itself by repetition and group reinforcement, and social systems that require the subordination of individuals are always sharpening their ability to suppress or demonize information—especially information derived from rebellious experience. When it is individuals themselves who are considered living examples of this information, those seeking total control will portray them in such a way that renders the nature of their rebellion a mere product of mental illness. And psychiatric diagnosis is dependent on subjective judgement rather than empirical tests, so they have no real way of disproving the claim. Thus mental illness can serve as a thought-terminating cliché.


Type:🔴 Tags: Politics / Psychiatry Status:⛅️