Public schooling fosters confusion through a fragmented and out of context material
The public school curriculum, unlike self-directed learning, is fragmented, convoluted, and out of context (contra Main sequence notes should be atomic and Main sequence notes should be densely linked). Rather than tailoring to the interests of individuals, children will not have any control over the periods of time they spend on a given subject. This ensures that student will not be given adequate time to digest the information being transmitted to them at their own pace, helping to foster the creation of a bewildered herd with little to no idea of what the fuck is going.
Think of the great natural sequences—like learning to walk and learning to talk, the progression of light from sunrise to sunset, etc. All of the parts are in perfect harmony with each other, each action justifying itself and illuminating the past and the future. School sequences aren’t like that. School sequences are crazy. There is no particular reason for any of them, nothing that bears close scrutiny. This encourages the narrow left hemisphere perspective on the world because The left hemisphere sees things abstracted, isolated, and stripped of context.
Few teachers would dare to teach the tools whereby dogmas of a school or a teacher could be criticized, since everything must be accepted. School subjects are learned, if they can be learned, like children learn the catechism or memorize the Thirty-nine Articles of Anglicanism. The logic of the school-mind is that it is better to leave school with a tool kit of superficial jargon derived from economics, sociology, natural science, and so on than with one genuine enthusiasm.
But quality in education entails learning about something in depth. Confusion is thrust upon kids by too many strange adults, each working alone with only the thinnest relationship with each other, pretending, for the most part, to an expertise they do not possess. Meaning, not disconnected facts, is what sane human beings seek, and education is a set of codes for processing raw data into meaning. Behind the patchwork quilt of school sequences and the school obsession with facts and theories, the age-old human search for meaning lies well concealed.
Gatto, T., John. (1992). Dumbing Us Down The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling Chapter 1. The Seven-Lesson Schoolteacher (p. 19). Gabriola Island, CA: New Society Publishers.
Libertarian Communist Platform. (2014). Education For Obedience (8:19). YouTube.