No one will sell their labour if they are given access to all things civilization produces

Choose any example, and you will find that somehow, somewhere the wealth of the rich is derived from the poverty of the poor. This is why an anarchist society does not need to fear wether the wealthy will settle among them. If every member of the community knows that after a few hours of productive work they will have a right to all that civilization procures, they will not sell their work for a wage. No one will volunteer to work for the enrichment of another.

In answering the above objection we have at the same time indicated the scope of expropriation. It must apply to everything that enables anybody to appropriate the product of others’ work. Our formula is simple and comprehensive. We do not want to rob anyone of their coat, but we wish to give to the workers all those things the lack of which makes them fall an easy prey to the exploiter.


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