Organization would be more efficient and less constraining without government intervention

After having striven long in vain to solve the insoluble problem—the problem of constructing a government which will constrain the individual to obedience without itself ceasing to be the servant of society, people at last attempt to free themselves from every form of government and to satisfy their need for organization by free contracts between individuals and groups pursuing the same aim. The independence of each small territorial unit becomes a pressing need; mutual agreement replaces law in order to regulate individual interests in view of a common objective—very often disregarding the frontiers of the present states.

All that was once looked on as a function of the government is today called in question. Things are arranged more easily and more satisfactorily without the intervention of the state. This is generally why communist tendencies can be seen in all individualist societies. And in studying the progress made in this direction, we are led to conclude that the tendency of humanity is to reduce government interference to zero; in fact, to abolish the state. We can already catch glimpses of a world in which the bonds which bind the individual are no longer laws, but social habits—the result of the need felt by each one of us to seek the support, the co-operation, the sympathy of his neighbours.


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