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Prometheus Rising
Author: Robert Anton Wilson Publisher: Grand Junction, Colorado: Hilaritas Press. Publish Date: 1983 Status:โณ Rating: 5/5
- Prometheus Rising Chapter 1 The Thinker & The Prover
- Prometheus Rising Chapter 2 Hardware & Software The Brain and Its Programs
- Prometheus Rising Chapter 3 The Oral Bio-Survival Circuit
- Prometheus Rising Chapter 4 The Anal Emotional Territorial Circuit
- Prometheus Rising Chapter 6 The Time-Binding Semantic Circuit
- Prometheus Rising Chapter 7 The Time-Binding Dialectic Acceleration & Deceleration
- Prometheus Rising Chapter 8 The Moral Socio-Sexual Circuit
- Prometheus Rising Chapter 9. Mindwashing & Brain Programming
- Prometheus Rising Chapter 10. How To Brain-Wash Friends & Robotize People
- Prometheus Rising Chapter 11 The Holistic Neurosomatic Circuit
- Prometheus Rising Chapter 12. The Collective Neurogenetic Circuit
- Prometheus Rising Chapter 13. Introduction to the Metaprogramming Circuit
- Prometheus Rising Chapter 14 The Meta-Programming Circuit
- Prometheus Rising Chapter 15 Different Models & Different Muddles
- Prometheus Rising Chapter 16 The Snafu Principle
- Prometheus Rising Chapter 17. Quantum Evolution
- Prometheus Rising Chapter 18. The Non-Local Quantum Circuit
- Prometheus Rising Chapter 19. Prometheus Rising
Amount: 83
- What the Thinker thinks, the Prover proves
- The Thinker and Prover exercises
- The brain acts as an electro-colloidal computer
- The brains hardware and software
- Conditioning
- Imprint
- The eight circuits of consciousness
- Along with the instinct for self-preservation, every animal also has an instict to protect the gene-pool
- As civilization has advanced, the bio-survival bond with the gene pool has been replaced with a bio-survival bond with money
- Bio-survival anxiety will only permanently disappear when everyone has enough money
- Suicide rates rise in accordance with the rise of interest rates
- The anxiety from a bad limbic system imprint results in a higher suseptability to illness and death
- The most successful reimprinting techniques for the LImbic System focus on restoring natural breathing
- The limbic system, being the oldest in evolutionary development, is the most mechanical and rapid
- The limbic system is programmed to seek a cormfort-safety zone around a mothering organism
- The limbic system imprints through breastfeeding
- A negative imprint of the limbic system leads one to see everything as dangerous, hostile and frightening
- Those who take their heaviest imprint on the limbic system tend to be viscerotonic
- Emotional-Territorial Circuit
- The four quadrants
- Friendly weakness
- Friendly strength
- Hostile weakness
- Hostile strength
- Leary Interpersonal Grid
- Master morality
- Slave Morality
- Resentment
- People who take the heaviest imprint on the emotional-territorial circuit tend to be musculotonic
- Societies swing back and forth between matrist and patrist values
- An ideally balanced person is detached from the extreme personality types of the Leary Interpersonal Grid
- Emotional-Territorial Circuit Exersizes
- Time-Binding Semantic Circuit
- A genius is one who is able to create new semantic maps out of intuition
- Any ideas that threaten status or ideology are generally proccessed through older brain circuits as a threat
- Anyone who can scare people enough can sell any semantic map that seems to give them relief
- Each scientific revolution has been shown to take one full generation to turn over the old world view
- Proselytizing is generally ignored because it puts you one-up on the person preached at
- The Semantic Circuit is resposible for our conception and experience of time
- The left-right polarity between cerebral hemisphere and hand funtioning places us in three-demensional space
- Those who take their heaviest imprint on the Semantic Circuit tend to grow up cerebrotonic
- Time-Binding Semantic Circuit exercises
- Entropy
- Human wealth comes from reliable ideas
- Illth
- Wealth
- In evolution, entropy increases in non-living systems, and negentropy increases in living-systems
- Information
- Logarithm
- Our enviroment consists of the time-binding product of materialized ideas
- Stochastic process
- Time-binding
- The Semantic Circuit is resposible for our conception and experience of time
- Western progressivism distiguishes western and eastern mysticism
- Democracy is only as good as its participants are educated
- Every conventional moral value serves some kind of function for society in directing the future evolution of the population
- Social morality is often used to decelerate innovation and maintain stability
- Socio-Sexual Circuit
- Societies use morality to direct the unknown trajectories of future evolution
- The Socio-Sexual Circuit is resposible for acute consciousness of time
- The poor child-rearing in societies are necessary to create people who fit the standard roles of traditional society
- The only taboo shared by each civilization is letting people determine their own taboos
- The infinite potential of the child is limited to the offerings of their social and cultural environment
- Those who take their heaviest imprint on the Socio-Sexual Circuit tend to be very attractive
- Neurosomatic Circuit
- The Neurosomatic Circuit is responible for Gestalt thinking and awareness
- A negative experience with the Neurosomatic Circuit reverses its usual positive effects
- The Neurosomatic Circuit may be responsible for the so called miracles performed by saints
- The activation of the Neurosomatic Circuit bleaches out all of the problems assocaiated with the older circuits
- The Rationalist is typically perplexed and adversed toward Neurosomatic Circuit functions
- Prolonged orgasm is capable of activating the Neurosomatic Circuit
- Neurosomatic Circuit Exersizes
- The right hemisphere sees the whole first, and then the left hemisphere separates it into parts
- Humans are the only animals who struggle for survival
- The brainโs perceptual systems actively and pre-consciously interpret and edit their input
- Meta-programming
- Because their are infinite aspects to everything, we should stop looking for ultimate truth and instead endlessly seek to impove our models
- Meta-Programming Circuit Exersizes
- The SNAFU principle
- In every authoritarian structure, ones views must accord with their superiors rather than with objective reality in order to prevent oppression
- Every ruler has their preestablished views reinforced by their subordinates because theyโre afraid to tell them contrary opinions
- Every secret police agency must be monitored by an infinite regress of other secret police agencies to prevent infiltration or the aquisition of too much power
- Participation in spying-and-hiding transactions will eventually produce the classic symptonms of clinical paranoia
- The secret police create a social context for the return to the mechanisms of the Holy Inquisition
- Every conspiracy regards itself as an affinity group