The activation of the Neurosomatic Circuit bleaches out all of the problems assocaiated with the older circuits
In general, Socio-Sexual Circuit problems take the form of guilt; “I cannot do what I am supposed to do.” Semantic Circuit problems take the form of perplexity; “I cannot understand how I got into this mess, or how to get out of it, or what is expected of me,” etc. Emotional-Territorial Circuitproblems take the form of bullying or cowardice: “I will force them, or I will surrender and let them force me.” Limbic system problems take the form of body symptoms: “I feel rotten all over” gradually centering in, under enough stress, on one acute disabling symptom. This last is Eric Berne’s “Wooden Leg” game, which asks to be relieved of social participation or interaction on the grounds of being physically hors de combat.
Neurosomatic Circuit consciousness bleaches out all these problems at once. The disappearance of Limbic system “physical” illnesses only seems more “miraculous” than the transcendence of Emotional-Territorial Circuit emotionalism, Semantic Circuit perplexity and Socio-Sexual Circuit guilt. It is the Cartesian mind/body dualism that makes us think of such Limbic system “physical” cures as somehow stranger or more spooky than any rapid improvement on the other circuits. One of the intents of our terminology is precisely to transcend that Cartesian dualism, making all the circuits equally comprehensible within one context.
- Wilson, A., Robert. (1983). Prometheus Rising Chapter 11 The Holistic Neurosomatic Circuit (Location 2223). Grand Junction, Colorado: Hilaritas Press.
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