Emotional-Territorial Circuit Exersizes

  1. Whenever you meet a young male or female, ask yourself consciously, “If it came to hand-to-hand combat, could I beat him/her’?” Then try to determine how much of your behavior is based on unconsciously asking and answering that question via pre-verbal “body language.”

  2. Get roaring drunk and pound the table, telling everybody in a loud voice just what dumb assholes they all are. *Opiates and small doses of alcohol seem to trigger neuro-transmitters characteristic of Circuit I breast-fed tranquility. Large doses of alcohol often reverse this and trigger neuro-transmitters characteristic of territorial struggle. Note the anal vocabulary of hostile drunks as their alcoholic intake increases.

  3. Get a book on meditation, practice for two fifteen-minute sessions every day for a month, and then go see somebody who always manages to upset you or make you defensive. See if they can still press your territorial retreat buttons.

  4. Spend a week-end at an Encounter Group. During the first half-day, try to intuit which quadrant each participant is coming from. At the end, see if any of them have become less robotized. See if you have become less robotized.

  5. Go to the Lion House at the zoo. Study the lions until you feel you really understand their tunnel-reality.

  6. Rent a video of the kind of comedy that small children like—the Three Stooges, Abbott & Costello, etc. Observe carefully, and think about what function this humor serves; but don’t neglect to laugh at it yourself.

  7. Spend all day Sunday looking at animal shows on TV (getting stoned on weed, if this is permissible to you). Then go into the office the next day and observe the primate pack hierarchy carefully, like a scientist.


Type:🔵 Tags: Biology / Neuroscience / Evolutionary Psychology Status:⛅️