The anxiety from a bad limbic system imprint results in a higher suseptability to illness and death

Even old-fangled M.D.s who won’t consider holistic ideas such as the most successful reimprinting techniques for the LImbic System focus on restoring natural breathing for a minute, admit that some persons are mysteriously “more susceptible” to disease than other persons. What is this metaphysical “susceptibility”? Anthropologist Ashley Montagu has collected numerous statistics on children who were deprived of maternal love at the crucial point of imprint vulnerability in infancy. They not only died younger than the national average, but were sicklier all their lives and even grew up to be several inches shorter than the average adult height for their sex. What makes for “susceptibility” (aside from possible genetic factors) can only be the anxiety from how A negative imprint of the limbic system leads one to see everything as dangerous, hostile and frightening.

Christian Science—or any other religion that dogmatically insists that “God” wants us to he happy and successful—can cure such conditions “miraculously” (What the Thinker thinks, the Prover proves). Absolute faith that “God” is supporting you, beamed out from the brain all day long, day after day, signals the muscles to relax, and natural buoyancy and health returns.


Type:🔴 Tags: Biology / Neuroscience Status:⛅️