Prolonged orgasm is capable of activating the right hemisphere
In the East, there were Tantric schools within Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism, which taught techniques by which prolongation of orgasm could activate the Neurosomatic Circuit and explode into dramatic brain-change. In the West, underground cults of Gnostics, Illuminati, alchemists and witches kept similar techniques as closely guarded secrets, for if the Holy Inquisition ever learned of such practices the participants would be denounced as devil-worshippers and burned at the stake.
In our own time, there has been a revolutionary upsurge of these ancient neurological secrets, with an admixture of more modern techniques. Tantric teachers are available in many cities. Masters and Johnson used quasi-Tantric practices to treat sexual dysfunctions. Many pot-smokers use weed as an enhancer of erotic sensation. Vibrators and other sexual toys proliferate; Gays come out of the closet; philosophers of a culture without repression (Norman Brown, Henri Marcuse, Charles Reich) become best-sellers.
- Wilson, A., Robert. (1983). Prometheus Rising Chapter 11 The Holistic Neurosomatic Circuit (Location 2355). Grand Junction, Colorado: Hilaritas Press.
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