Because their are infinite aspects to everything, we should stop looking for ultimate truth and instead endlessly seek to impove our models

  • we should become model agnostics and care only about the utility our models currently serve

The Meta-Programming Circuit is not a trap. Simply accept that the universe is so structured that it can see itself, and that this self-reflexive arc is built into our frontal lobes, so that consciousness contains an infinite regress, and all we can do is make models of ourselves making models … Well, at that point, the only thing to do is relax and enjoy the show. Since there are infinite aspects to everything, especially to the “you” who is observing/creating all these muddles and models, there are no limits. The only sensible goal, then, is to try to build a reality tunnel for next week that is bigger, funnier, sexier, more optimistic and generally less boring than any previous reality tunnel. And once you have built that bigger, funnier, happier universe of thought, build a bigger and better one for next month.


Type:🔴 Tags: Philosophy Status:⛅️