Socio-Sexual Circuit
The socio-sexual circuit is activated and imprinted at adolescence, when the DNA signal awakens the sexual apparatus. The teenager becomes the bewildered possessor of a new body and a new neural circuit oriented to orgasm and sperm-egg fusion. The pubescent human, like any other rutting animal, lurches about in a state of mating frenzy, every call gasping for the sexual object. Imprint vulnerability is acute, and the first sexual signals to turn on the adolescent nervous system usually remain fixed for life and forever define the individual’s sexual reality. We should not be surprised, therefore, at the various fetishes that are so easily acquired at these sensitive moments. In fact, we can tell precisely at what period in time a person was sexually imprintd by noting which fetishes continue to turn him or her on. Most sexual dysfunctions are hooked into the nervous system at these adolescent moments of acute imprint vulnerability. The choices of heterosexuality or homosexuality, brash promiscuity or timid celibacy, etc. are usually imprinted by exactly similar accidents at points of imprint vulnerability.
Primitives (so-called) know these facts and surround all the points of imprint vulnerability with rituals, “ordeals,” “rites of passage,” etc. well designed to imprint the desired traits of a well-integrated member of that tribe at that time. Relics of these imprint ceremonies survive in Baptism, Confirmation, Bar Mitzvahs. Marriage Ceremonies, the Masonic “raising,” etc. It is important to realize that chance, genetics and malice (anger) are among the “accidents” that create imprints at the points of vulnerability. Most humans do not, due to accidents of this sort, imprint exactly the socio-sexual role demanded by their society. The fourth circuit can almost be called the guilt circuit: almost everybody, almost everywhere, is quite busy hiding their real sexual profile and miming the “accepted” sex role for their gender in their tribe.
The fourth circuit is located in the left neo-cortex—the newest part of the left cortex. It is linked neurologically with the genitalia and the breasts (fucking-hugging-embracing-protecting circuitry).
- Wilson, A., Robert. (1983). Prometheus Rising Chapter 8 The Moral Socio-Sexual Circuit (Location 1387). Grand Junction, Colorado: Hilaritas Press.
Type:🔵 Tags: Biology / Neuroscience / Sociology / Sociobiology / Neuropsychology Status:☀️