Democracy is only as good as its participants are educated

  • The effectiveness of democracy depends upon how well educated the voters are

Democracy has been less than a total success—and the intellectual’s half-shamed cynicism about democracy is justified—to the extent that traditional society did not need, could not use, and in many ways discouraged the development of high verbal (“rational”) skills in the majority of the population. That is, concretely, most people are not encouraged to be very smart, and are rather heavily programmed to be comparatively stupid. Such programming is what is needed to fit them into most traditional jobs (The poor child-rearing in societies are necessary to create people who fit the standard roles of traditional society). Their Limbic system circuitry works as well as that of most animals, their Emotional-Territorial Circuitry is typically primate, and they have an inadequate Time-Binding Semantic Circuit to verbalize (rationalize) with. Naturally, they usually vote for the charlatan who can activate primitive bio-survival fears and territorial (“patriotic”) pugnacity. The intellectual looks at the dismal results and continues to believe in “democracy” only by an act of Blind Faith similar to the way beliefs in Catholicism or Communism or snake-worship are maintained.

  • Again, the traditional system works, for traditional society. A mass made of people who have intense curiosity about

  • is not a mass that will easily be led into dull, dehumanizing labor at traditional jobs.

  • the Wrong Address problem again.

  • were speaking to the third circuit, which is not very highly developed in most domesticated primates yet.

  • knew just how to push the right emotional-territorial buttons to get a mob of primates to follow them. They were genetically programmed alpha males, in ethological terms.


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