Meta-Programming Circuit Exersizes

Exersizes for the Meta-Programming Circuit include:

  1. If all you can know is your own brain programs operating, the whole universe you experience is inside your head. Try to hold onto that model for at least an hour. Note how often you relapse into feeling the universe as outside you.

  2. Consider the belief system or reality-tunnel of an educated reader 1200 years ago—in 797 AD. How much of that tunnel still seems “Real”? How much in our reality-tunnel was unknown or invisible then?

  3. Consider the reality-tunnel of an educated person 1200 years from now—in 3197 AD. How much of our reality-tunnel will still seem “Real”? How much of the 3197 AD reality-tunnel is unknown or invisible to us?

  4. Re-read Moses’ encounter with I AM WHO I AM in Deuteronomy. Try the theory that Moses was talking to his own meta-programming circuit.


Type:🔵 Tags: Biology / Neuroscience Status:☀️