Neuropsychology is a branch of psychology concerned with how a person’s cognition and behavior are related to the brain and the rest of the nervous system.
Neuropsychology Notes
- The distance from immediate experience offered by the frontal lobes can allow us to either exploit and use or to be empathetic
- The left hemisphere filters experience into an abstract representation, while the right sees things without preconceptions
- The right hemisphere handles alertness, vigilance, sustained attention, and divided attention
- The left hemisphere handles focussed attention
- The right hemisphere has broad, global, and flexible attention, while the left has narrow attention
- Lantern consciousness
- Spotlight consciousness
- Novelty is handled by the right hemisphere, and is transferred to the left hemisphere as it becomes familiar
- The left hemisphere prioritizes things that it already knows and expects
- The right frontal lobes allow for flexibility in thought and behavior
- When solving problems, the left hemisphere tends to rely on a single solution that fits what it already knows
- The right hemisphere can link together distantly related words and ideas
- The right hemisphere is able to use the left hemispheres style of cognition, but the left cannot use the rights
- Relaxation broadens attention and enables right hemisphere flexibility of thought
- The right hemisphere is able to access and hold larger quantities of information
- The global attention of the right hemisphere precedes the narrow attention of the left hemisphere
- The right hemisphere sees the whole first, and then the left hemisphere separates it into parts
- The right hemisphere sees things in their context
- The right hemisphere understands language in its context
- The left hemisphere sees things abstracted, isolated, and stripped of context
- The left hemisphere prioritizes theory over experience
- The right hemisphere is responsible for the capacity to understand metaphor
- The right hemisphere allows for the recognition of uniqueness and familiarity, while the left only re-presents generic categories of things
- The right hemisphere recognizes and groups things by comparing them with an exemplar whereas the left recognizes things by categories
- The right hemisphere is able to integrate individual aspects of things into a coherent whole whereas the left sees only separate entities
- Right hemisphere deficits may lead the left hemisphere to see people who are in different places as duplicates
- The right hemisphere attends to the personal, while the left focuses on the abstract and impersonal
- The right hemisphere is concerned with living things and the left with the non-living
- The left hemisphere is concerned with utility and the mechanical
- The right hemisphere deals with real things that have meaning to us in the lived world
- The left hemisphere deals with non-realistic and artificial images
- The right hemisphere is responsible for the ability to put ourselves in anothers shoes
- The right hemisphere is responsible for our capacity for emotional understanding
- The right hemisphere is capable of identifying emotional expression
- The right hemisphere is responsible for emotional expression
- The left hemisphere deals with superficial and forced presentations of emotion
- The left hemisphere generally remains emotionally neutral
- The right hemisphere can deal with both positive and negative emotions, where as the left tends to be over-optimistic
- The right frontal lobe has a depressive stance, where as the left shows undue cheerfulness
- The right hemisphere brings anxious, disturbed depression while the left brings indifferent or apathetic depression
- The left hemisphere deals with conscious explicit linear reasoning, and the right with implicit unconscious deductive reasoning
- The right hemisphere plays a large role in deductive reasoning
- The right hemisphere is concerned with the self as embodied
- The right hemisphere sees the body as something we live, while the for the left it is devitalized
- Right hemisphere damage can result in adnormal integration of our drives with a self
- The right hemisphere cares about the meaning of language, whereas the left cares more about having control of language
- The right hemisphere can understand broad and implicit meaning, while the left only understands explicit literal meaning
- Processing ambiguity requires right hemisphere intuition because language is to precise and definite
- A right hemisphere stroke is more disabling than a left in that one loses the ability to socialize and empathize
- The right hemisphere is responsible for our sense of time as continuous and unified
- The left hemisphere perceives time as a sequential series of fragmented individual moments
- The right hemisphere is better at dealing with fluidity and motion, whereas the left is better at dealing with things in stasis
- The right hemisphere allows for the sense of spatial depth, whereas the left understands depth categorically, i.e. above, below
- Right hemisphere deficits result in difficulty with perceiving irregular smoothly curved surfaces
- The left hemisphere tends to be stubbornly certain, whereas the right acknowledges ambiguity and is always uncertain
- The left hemisphere of split-brain subjects has been shown to have to come up with random reasons for things the right hemisphere does
- The left hemisphere will confabulate explanations for things it doesn’t know and seems completely convinced of them
- When guessing a sequence, the left hemisphere will choose a strategy even at the expense of getting things wrong
- When flashing lights were changed to follow whatever strategy was being used to guess them, the left hemisphere will insist that it had just cracked the sequence
- The right hemisphere can juggle multiple ambiguous possibilities and interpretations, whereas the left hemisphere jumps to premature conclusions
- The right hemisphere can understand unclear and fleeting images, while the left requires clarity and stillness
- The narrowness of certainty appeals to the left hemisphere
- The right hemisphere is more self-aware and realistic, while the left is more grandiose, optimistic, and unrealistic about it’s shortcomings
- The right hemisphere is more realistic but also more pessimistic and favors depression
- Those with damage to the right hemisphere lack insight into illness or even denial of it
- Those with right hemisphere legions show a dull unrelenting cheerfulness in the face of incapacity
- The left hemisphere is prone to over-optimistic denial
- The right hemispheres tendency for melancholy may be linked to its heightened capacity for empathy
- Moral values are dependent on right hemisphere intuition and empathy, rather than left hemisphere abstract reasoning
- Those with impairments in the right frontolimbic regions have trouble with stopping whatever they’re currently doing
- The frontal lobes for each hemisphere only negate the posterior regions rather than resist, enabling something new to arise
- The right frontal lobes enables one to step back form espousing ‘my’ position, which enables us to empathize and consider the others point of view
- The left frontal lobe enables one to peacefully detach from the striving towards individual gain
- The right hemisphere may have more control over the SNS, and the left may have more control over the PNS
- The right hemisphere presents the world with detail and depth, while the left represents it abstractly, undetailed and even in one plane
- The right hemisphere is much more involved in emotions and bodily experience than the left hemisphere
- Every word is metaphorically linked to the something in the lived world
- All denotation and abstraction has its metaphorical roots in the lived world
- The right hemisphere sees metaphor as the means of keeping language linked to the experienced world, while language seems separate from the world for the left hemisphere
- An organism will feel less stressed if they believe they have control over a situation
- Predictable information may lower our stress-response while we are experiencing the stressor by letting us know what coping stratagies are best to use
- Organisms feel less stressed when they can control the rewards they can get than when those rewards are given to them for nothing
- Organisms feel a loss of control when faced with an novel and unpredictable situation
- The left hemisphere inhibits the right more than the right inhibits the left
- Instilling fear is a common marketing strategy because it quites the prefontal cortex and encourages impusivity
- Stress-related disease among the poor usually has more to do with feeling poor than actually being poor
- Income inequality is a strong predictor of poor health because it is about being made to feel poor
- Income inequality does not predict poor health as much in more egalitarian countries
- There is a steep rise in health from very poor to lower middle class, but it flattens out in the upper SES range
- Societies with more income equality, both the poor and the wealthy are healthier than their counterparts in a less equal society with the same average income
- The low social capital that comes with income inequality can lead to more stress and poor health
- Dramatic income inequality gets rid of the possibility for there to be lots of social capital in a society, leading to more stress and poor health
- More social capital in a society can improve the health of the society
- More income inequality means that the wealthy will spend more money on their own private goods, leading to more stress among the public
- To really address the poor health of the poor, we would have to uproot the stressors involved in low rank rather than give people more money
- Unlike monkey’s, humans who rank low in the hierarchy almost always have a disproportionate share of disease
- Receiving a reward at an unpredictable time interval creates a stronger stress response than when it is received predictably
- Having social support is shown to lower the stress-response in primates
- Having social support is shown to lower the stress-response in humans
- Our brains make us-them distinctions extremely quickly
- People have an enhanced capacity for empathy towards in-group members
- Conformity is a deeply ingrained and automatic instinct in humans
- People have been shown to change their answer to a question if the group disagrees
- Brain scans show that those who defy the groups opinion will try to revise their memories while the brain tries to convince them otherwise
- Brain scans show that those who defy authority opinion struggle to change opinion
- Conformity has as much to do with safety as it does with avoiding punishment
- Those who take their heaviest imprint on the limbic system tend to be viscerotonic