The right frontal lobes allow for flexibility in thought and behavior

Since novelty is handled by the right hemisphere, and is transferred to the left hemisphere as it becomes familiar, the right hemisphere is more capable of a shift in perspective, and not surprisingly the right frontal lobe is especially important for flexibility of thought, with damage in that area leading to perseveration, a pathological inability to respond flexibly to changing situations. For example, having found an approach that works for one problem, subjects seem to get stuck, and will inappropriately apply it to a second problem that requires a different approach—or even, having answered one question right, will give the same answer to the next and the next. It is the right orbitofrontal cortex that is responsible for inhibiting one’s immediate response, and hence for flexibility and set-shifting, as well as the power of inhibiting immediate response to environmental stimuli.


Type:🔴 Tags: Biology / Neuroscience / Neuropsychology Status:☀️