The right hemisphere attends to the personal, while the left focuses on the abstract and impersonal

Because the right hemisphere sees things in their context, it is interested in the personal, by contrast with the left hemisphere, which has more affinity for the abstract or impersonal. The right hemisphere’s view of the world in general is construed according to what is of concern to it, not according to objective impersonal categories, and therefore has a personal quality. This is both its strength and its weakness in relation to the left hemisphere. It deals preferentially with whatever is approaching it, drawing near, into relationship with it. The right temporal lobe deals preferentially with memory of a personal or emotionally charged nature, what is called episodic memory, where the left temporal lobe is more concerned with memory for facts that are in the public domain.


Type:🔴 Tags: Biology / Neuroscience / Neuropsychology Status:☀️