When solving problems, the left hemisphere tends to rely on a single solution that fits what it already knows

The right frontal lobes allow for flexibility in thought and behavior. This can be seen in problem solving. The right hemisphere operates in intelligent mode; It performs high-temperature searches and presents an array of possible solutions, which remain live while alternatives are explored. The left hemisphere, by contrast, relies on Mechanical mode; the left hemisphere prioritizes things that it already knows and expects, performs low-temperature searches and takes the single solution that seems best to fit what it already knows and latches onto it.

The left hemisphere has a tendency to ignore discrepancies that do not fit into its pre-established understanding. The right hemisphere, by contrast, is actively watching for discrepancies, more like a devil’s advocate. These approaches are both needed, but pull in opposite directions.


Type:🔴 Tags: Biology / Neuroscience / Neuropsychology Status:☀️