Leftists Should Not Be Supportive of Psychiatry Outline
Section 1: Psychiatry Upholds Capitalism and Authoritarianism
- Psychiatry has not yet been able to come up with laboratory tests for psychiatric conditions
- An overabundance of dopamine in schizophrenics has yet to be found
- A shortage of serotonin in the brain has not yet been found in depression patients
- Psychiatric diagnosis is dependent on subjective judgement rather than empirical tests
- The eugenics movement had established the paradigm that mental illness was genetically inherited
- Eugenics began with SIr Francis Galton’s assumption that desirable traits could be selected for in humans by selectively breeding the population
- Eugenics had dismissed the democratic ideal that all people are of equal value
- Eugenics
- Eugenics considered the mentally ill to be the most unfit
- Modern medicine tends to target the pathology of an illness rather than preventing it
- Charles Davenport approached his eugenics studies by applying Mendelian inheritance to human behavior traits
- Psychiatry’s expectation for constant positivity leads to the suppression of outrage toward oppression and the dismissal of trauma caused by society
- Hierarchically subordinate animals tend to be over-stressed due to uncontrollable and unpredictable mistreatment from superiors
- Hierarchically subordinate animals have higher resting levels of glucocorticoids and an ineffecient stress-response
- The frequency of harrasment by superiors and the lack of opportunities for social support have been shown to be the best predictors of elevated glucocorticoid levels among low ranking members of hierarchical groups
- A low hierarchical rank can have different implications within different species or animal cultures
- The stability of a hierarchy has a major influence on the stress levels in a group
- Stress is only increased in the low ranking members of a hierarchy for those that experience harrasment
- Hierarchical stress is harder to track in humans due the the fact that they can excel in at least one hierarchy they’re apart of
- The impact that a hierarchical rank can have on someone can change depending on their goals
- Poverty can bring many physical stressors
- Poverty can bring many psychological stressors
- The poor are less able to plan for the future and can only respond to present stressors
- The poor have less outlets to help deal with stress
- The poor lack social support
- The poor have been shown to have higher levels of cortisol
Section 2: Fragility: The Reason Why Leftists Today Are So Supportive of Psychiatry
- The more certain of our views we become, the more we perceive ourselves to be victims of an impersonal world
- Powerful intrests have a strong desire to keep us locked into reality tunnels which they find profitable
- Genetic theories of medical or mental conditions can enable people or society to absolve themselves from responsibility
- Todays leftists avoid all adversity and discomfort. Genetic theories give today’s emasculated left an excuse to not have to deal with their personal problems
- they can lay the blame on others
- slave morality
- We’ve all seen it. “Twitter bio: Lib4Ever, Mentally ill (Depression, anxiety), Ally of Black People, and Founder at Saving Black Trans Women SuperPAC. Mom, Dad, Daughter, Wife, Frenemy. Call me Doctor. She/zir/ze”
- Untruth of Fragility
- Going into the twenty-first the concept of safety had expanded from physical safety to include emotional safety
- Going into the twenty-first the concept of safety had expanded from physical safety to include emotional safety
- Each mental disorder is defined by a precise set of symptoms, how many must be present, and their duration
- The threshold for diagnosing mental disorders are somewhat arbitrary and can be adjusted
- Although the mentally ill were far less likely to have sex, eugenicists had rationalized the notion that they were breeding prolifically by proposing that it was the unsupervised ones that were doing so
- Concept creep
- Pharma companies exploit the fuzziness between mild mental disorder and being probably well to extend diagnosis and sell more drugs
- By the 2000s, the concept of trauma in psychiatry had expanded to include subjective harm
- The development of a subjective definition of harm made subjective claims to harm a valid reason for protection
- Safetyism
- Safetyism got its foot in the door after Gen Z began to enter colleges in 2013
- Mental illness rates have increased do to adjustment in definition rather than increased distress
- Without stressors, our bodies and minds will deteriorate
- The overprotection of children may make them unable to cope with adverse experiences
- We must expose ourselves to trauma in order to overcome our aversion toward it
- Exposure therapy
- Psychiatry plays a moralizing role for society by defining behavior in terms of normal and abnormal
- Leftists invert this process, where abnormality becomes virtue
- Psychiatric categories fulfill the need for stable identities in our chaotic late capitalist society
- For many people, mental illness categories are more for providing definitive identities and predictability in our chaotic late capitalist society than for mental health
- Psychiatric categories provide in-groups with behavioral scripts from which behavioral uniformity may be imposed
- People may defend their mental illnesses because challenges threaten the stability of their identity, clarity, and community
Section 3: The Future of Leftism and Psychiatry
- Scientism
- Materialism
- Leftists will start psychiatric skepticism “harmful misinformation”