Semantics is the philosophical and scientific study of meaning or truth in natural and artificial languages.
Semantics Notes
- Model Agnosticism
- Emic Reality
- Etic Reality
- Reality tunnel
- Reality labyrinth
- The brain’s perceptual systems actively and pre-consciously interpret and edit their input
- Because perception is not absolute, all of our ideas are somewhat conjectural and inferential
- Language can be seen as a kind of metaphor
- The word “matter” can be seen as metaphorical
- The word “is” can be seen as a metaphor
- The word “the” can be seen as a metaphor
- Idolatry
- People have a tendency to become territorial over their belief systems
- Self-referential statement
- Fundamentalist Materialism attempts to make reality conform to its models
- Anything that cannot be measured is considered meaningless or nonexistent to science
- A genius is one who is able to create new semantic maps out of intuition
- The word “normal” has always been elusive
- Modern medical science has struggled to develop a solid definition for “health” and “illness”
- The cutoffs in the bell-shaped curves which psychology often relies on to define normality are determined by context
- Mental disorder and and normality are too ambiguous to distinguish between
- The ambiguity between mental disorder and normality puts into question which disorders should be included in the DSM and who receives diagnosis
- The threshold for diagnosing mental disorders are somewhat arbitrary and can be adjusted