Education For Obedience
Author: Libertarian Communist Platform Publisher: YouTube Publish Date: 2014-4-28 Review Date: 2022-11-11 Status:🌐
8:20 Hierarchical systems require the subordination of the masses to power in their everyday lives. However, naked power generates resistance. The maintenance of hierarchy therefor requires that individuals be socialized into the acceptance of their own subordination.
8:19 number one, confusion. throughout the school day rather than tailoring to the needs of individuals children will not have any control over the periods of time they spend on a given subject this ensures that numbers of people will not be given adequate time to digest the information being transmitted to them at their own pace helping to foster the creation of a bewildered herd with little to no idea of what the fuck is going
8:44 number two, indifference. the children will understand that what’s called learning is about assuming the position of an empty receptacle into which unquestionable absolute truth is poured and that this process can be turned on and off like a light switch as well as merely being a means to achieving so-called good grades
9:14 number three class position. members of the working class should be well aware that the education system is not designed for them but in fact serves the strategic and economic interests of corporate and state bureaucrats. as they are moved along the conveyor belt the people should know their place and understand that is their to provide an obedient workforce that can be disciplined and controlled by managers with a minimum amount of hassle
9:38 number four emotional dependency. the children should become emotionally dependent on so-called positive reinforcements, a term originally coined when training lab rats I should note. such as a pat on the head a smile an A+ or any other kind of reward from above in other words doggie biscuit bribes to make children follow instructions. the reason for this is to train and socialize the children to embrace behaviorist methods of control, techniques originally tested on animals, to get children to stop doing what you don’t want them to do and start doing what you do want them to do so the bird isn’t acting independently. its behavior is shaped by controlling its environment
10:18 number five intellectual dependency. children will be socialized to believe that authority is the ultimate source of unquestionable truth. children are to be put into an atmosphere in which questioning Authority is the worst thing you can do even if the authority makes an incorrect statement. it’s not about truth it’s about obedience and truth is only valuable insofar as it fosters obedience. indeed a far better test of intellectual dependency is to get children to believe anything that an authority says even if it’s totally stupid
10:50 number six provisional self-esteem. children will be constantly beaten over the head with the idea of so-called mutual respect. this gives the impression of a mutually beneficial situation but in reality the idea of so-called mutual respect is basically a device used to explain to the children that they will be respect insofar as they do what is asked of them and demonstrate obedience. respect means that children must ask for permission to go to the toilet it means veneration of authority and degradation of the individual
11:26 number seven the impossibility of hiding. children are to be made to feel utterly powerless. every single piece of work they produce and everything they do must be subjected to constant and systematic surveillance examination and evaluation while so-called progress must be logged in cumulative records the fact that they are being watched all the time. should help to make the children feel as small as possible and understand that their ultimate purpose in life is to assume the position of minuscule objects to be placed under the absolute control of people with more power and status than me