Medicine Constellation
Medicine Notes
- Modern medicine tends to target the pathology of an illness rather than preventing it
- Metabolic syndrome is a complex multifactoral condition with multiple morbitities
- Weight gain occurs after metabolic syndrome
- You can still have metabolic syndrome even if your thin
- There are overweight people without who are not sick
- Most people at risk for diabetes cannot prevent it with diet and exercise
- Relatively high LDL-C doesn’t usually lead to a heart attack for most people
- Low-fat diet and statins do not change LDL-C levels much
- Low fat diet and statins do not prevent heart attack because they only lower levels of large boyant LDL-C
- Refined carbohydrates and sugar increase levels of small dense LDL
- Triglyceride levels are a better biomarker for heart disease than LDL-C
- Insulin resistance inhibits sodium excretion by the kidney
- Reducing sugar intake is a better way to fix high blood pressure than lowering salt
- Diabetes
- Medications for high blood glucose lead to increased mortality in type-2 diabetics
- High insulin levels cause diabetes rather than high blood glucose itself
- Insulin can be both good and bad for you
- US medicine in the 19th century lacked standardization
- Johns Hopkins medical school adopted the German educational structure in the late 19th century in an attempt to establish itself as a beacon of evidence-based medicine and science
- Simon Flexner
- Abraham Flexner
- In the late 19th century, John D. Rockefeller’s buisness advisor Fredrick Gates had him to open a medical research institute
- The successful pharmaceutical industry esblished by Auschwitz nerve gas creator IG Farben motivated John D. Rockefeller to fund the restructuring of American medical school
- Abraham Flexner was assigned to direct John D. Rockefellers restructering of American medical school
- Flexner Report
- Government and university medical research has been cut back in favor of Big Pharmas own research
- Big Pharma’s own research is often biased toward their own drug
- Big Pharma influnces doctors by funding medical schools
- Big Pharma uses their own medical symposiums or reps to bypass institutions co-opt prescribers directly
- Ketones can help prevent neurodegenerative disease
- Eugenics began with SIr Francis Galton’s assumption that desirable traits could be selected for in humans by selectively breeding the population
- Genetic theories of medical or mental conditions can enable people or society to absolve themselves from responsibility
- Stress-related disease among the poor usually has more to do with feeling poor than actually being poor
- Income inequality is a strong predictor of poor health because it is about being made to feel poor
- Income inequality does not predict poor health as much in more egalitarian countries
- If you adjust for absolute income, income inequality still predicts poor health
- There is a steep rise in health from very poor to lower middle class, but it flattens out in the upper SES range
- Societies with more income equality, both the poor and the wealthy are healthier than their counterparts in a less equal society with the same average income
- The low social capital that comes with income inequality can lead to more stress and poor health
- Dramatic income inequality gets rid of the possibility for there to be lots of social capital in a society, leading to more stress and poor health
- More social capital in a society can improve the health of the society
- To really address the poor health of the poor, we would have to uproot the stressors involved in low rank rather than give people more money
- Unlike monkey’s, humans who rank low in the hierarchy almost always have a disproportionate share of disease
- Modern medical science has struggled to develop a solid definition for “health” and “illness”
- Drug companies will alter existing drug compounds very slightly to extend patent life
- Pharma raises revenue and extends patents by finding new markets for existing drugs