Abraham Flexner was assigned to direct John D. Rockefellers restructering of American medical school

The successful pharmaceutical industry esblished by Auschwitz nerve gas creator IG Farben motivated John D. Rockefeller to fund the restructuring of American medical school. And who should spearhead such an evaluation? How about an educator who believed in the German system? Simon Flexner nominated his brother Abraham. An easy sell, as Henry Pritchett, chairman of the Carnegie Foundation, had read The American College. The last vote came from the American Medical Association, who stood to rid themselves of pesky alternative therapy schools and would become the regulatory body for medical education going forward. These American oligarchs “embraced scientific medicine as an ideological weapon in their struggle to formulate a new culture appropriate to and supportive of industrial capitalism.” Abraham then went on to write the Flexner Report.


Type:🔴 Tags: Medicine / History Status:☀️