The Flow

“The Way of the sage is work without effort”

The ultimate goal i had for 🔮 The Cosmos was to create an efficient learning, thinking, and teaching experience that aligns with the principle of non-forcing. To accomplish this, i developed The Flow. In The Flow, notes are written and organized to evolve, contribute, and accumulate over time across projects, hence the name Flow which emphasizes its ever-evolving nature. This method allows me focus on systems instead of goals. This is an usual way to think about writing notes: Most people take only transient notes. The Flow is diametrically apposed to this—this practice is not about just writing notes, it is about effectively developing insight: Better note taking misses the point; what matters is better thinking.

The Flow has 3 main stages:

  1. Ingestion
  2. Digestion
  3. Egestion


Type:🔵 Tags: PKM Status:☀️