The dominant system of classification varies from society to society; hence, cultural relativism—what is “real” to the Eskimo is not quite the same as what is “real” to a New York taxi-driver. To review: Each individual has a neurological system, or game, different from other members of the same society. In accord with Einstein’s physical relativism, and anthropology’s cultural relativism, we call this neurological relativism. The vegetarian does not “see” (experience) meat on a rack in the butcher shop the same way the meat-eater sees it. The racist does not see a member of another race as, say, that person’s parents do. More generally, as William Blake tells us: “The Fool sees not the same tree that the Wise Man sees.”
- Wilson, A., Robert. Prometheus Rising Chapter 15 Different Models & Different Muddles (Location 2799). Grand Junction, Colorado: Hilaritas Press.
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