The third stage of perception🧠
The third stage of perception (see the second stage of perception) involves the organismic reaction which can be quite complex. For instance, if the energy-packet happened to be “Your mother has been raped and murdered by terrorists” the stomach, tear ducts, and heart at least will be involved in processing the signal, as well as the amygdala. It is obvious that with subtraction, perception also involves an addition of pre-existing emotions, which is what Freud meant by “projection.” The transition from stage three to stage four involves the transmission of all of this to the brain. Obviously, what the brain recieves is already highly colored by the subtractions and additions previously mentioned; but the brain itself, except perhaps in a newborn infant, already has a set of preconfigured programs, or a “filing system” for organizing and classifying incoming signals.
- Wilson, A., Robert (1986). The New Inquisition Chapter 1 Models, Metaphors, and Idols (Page 22 · Location 341). Grand Junction, Colorado: Hilaritas Press
Type:🔴 Tags: Biology / Neuroscience Status:☀️