Tarot stuff

  • Knight of DIscs
  • representing earth/earth according to the occultists
  • is the pure Limbic system type—all sensation, all oral demand, all viscerotonic.
  • The pure undiluted “Momma’s boy.”

  • The Queen of Discs, or earth/water, is a mixture of first and second circuit traits—sensational-viscerotonic-oral and emotional-egotistic-political. You better be damned careful to call her Ms

  • The Prince of Discs, or earth/air, is a blend of first and third circuits—oral demand and rational calculation. Probably, a very sharp and sharkish lawyer.

  • The Princess of Discs, or earth/fire is first-circuit orality mixed with fourth-circuit sexuality. This fusion of exhibitionism with enflamed eros means she’s probably starring in porn movies

  • The Queen of Cups, or water/water, is emotion and territorial demand. Nelson Algren had her in mind when he said, “Never bed down with a woman who has more problems than you.”

  • The Knight of Cups, water/earth, is emotion plus sensation. The pure predator, marauder, thief, rapist or sociopath.

  • The Prince of Cups or water/air is emotion plus reason. The humanist, humanitarian, liberal; an ideal Unitarian minister

  • The Princess of Cups is water/fire: an explosive mixture of egotism and sexuality. Scarlett O’Hara. The femme fatale.

  • The Prince of Swords is air/air; all pure undiluted intellect. His feet never touch the earth; he lives amid floating abstractions. The monk-scholar

  • The Knight of Swords is air/earth: reason and oral exhibitionism. The actor, orator, demagogue—sometimes the artist

  • The Queen of Swords is air/water; reason plus emotion. The greats in science and art are generally of this imprint group

  • The Princess of Swords is air/fire: reason and sexuality. The good parent; usually the Puritan, but sometimes the crusader for “sexual freedom.” In any case, the motivating drive is an attempt to impose abstract reason upon the genetic imperatives of the mating urge

  • The Princess of Wands is fire/fire: sexuality at its most powerful. These types are usually, but not necessarily, quite promiscuous; sometimes they pour all their erotic energy into one mate and raise huge families, parenting being a strong part of the fourth circuit; e.g., J.S. Bach, who may have written the sexiest music in history, had twenty children.

  • The Knight of Wands is fire/earth: sexuality and sensationalism. The Playboy. Reich’s “Phallic Narcissist.”

  • The Prince of Wands is fire/air: sexuality plus reason. These types are likely to get involved in the kind of empirical mysticism that is not tolerated by the local Authorities—e.g., the Tantrists in India, the Knights Templar and witches in medieval Europe, Aleister Crowley and Wilhelm Reich most recently. (Crowley said this card was a portrait of his “True Self.”)

  • The Queen of Wands is fire/water: sexuality and emotional politics. The law courts have a steady parade of this type passing through every day.

  • The clever Cabalists who designed this pictorial key to the four primitive circuits included a clue to higher consciousness. For they teach that each element in traditional alchemy (earth, air, fire, water) corresponds to one of these Tarot suits (discs, swords, wands, cups) and to one of the letters in the Holy Unspeakable Name of God—YHVH. The correspondences are as follows:
  • image
  • The logic of this imagery is quite clear to the unconscious mind, and these associations appear frequently in dreams, as Jung documented in Psychology and Alchemy.
  • image
  • The aim of the Cabala is to make “the microcosm mirror the macrocosm”; that is, to make the human being a perfect image of “God.” This means putting together the four “alchemical” elements symbolized by the letters Y, H, V, H. In other words, bringing the four circuits into balance. This is the same lesson as taught in the Buddhist mandalas with four demons at the corners and the circle representing awakening in the middle.


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