When it comes to the problems of the world, we often seek external solutions. We think that fixing the worlds problems is a matter of waiting for the right political system, economic system, etc. But The environment that we live in is an external reflection of the internal processes of the mind. If do not think the worlds problems are not external, ie. political, economic, institutional, etc. I believe that the worlds problems are internal, they are mental. Rather than looking for solutions outside of us, maybe the solutions are found in our own minds.
First of all, a system which derives from a defiled mind probably be pretty flawed. And second, even if it somehow wasn’t, the system would inevitably become corrupted anyways.
There’s also a degree of abstention to take responsibility. Taking responsibility is hard. We would rather blame the external world for our problems instead of taking responsibility for them our selves
One thing I find amusing is the fact that such things like murder, stealing, and the like are illegal. Like, what do you think leads people to do that in the first place? Maybe that’s what we should be thinking about, not what political system or ideology we should impose onto everyone else which would magically solve all of our problems. Politics would be irrelevant if people never had a motivation to do these things in the first place.
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