# Joe Rogan Experience 1035 Paul Stamets
Author: Joe Rogan, Paul Stamets Publisher: Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPqWstVnRjQ Publish Date:2017-11-7 Review Date: Status:⌛️
there is a really wonderful safe and legal mushroom to use that leads to neurogenesis and that’s called lion’s mane and lion’s man
lion’s mane contains a unique group of compounds beautiful called aronascines and harissanuns and these regenerate myelin on the axons of nerves
a potential preventive or treatment for Alzheimer’s muscular dystrophy etc but do you take it I take it every day
lion’s mane is a safe mushroom to consume there are several clinical studies out on treating mild cognitive dysfunction but there’s two mouse studies that I think are quite illustrative and this is translational medicine this translates from mice experiments to humans we already know is that it has aspects of neurogenesis when you go into Alzheimer estate of Alzheimer’s which is a big complex but one of the characteristics is the formation of amyloid plaques demyelination of the neurons myelin transmits the neural signals demyelination occurs there’s outer sheath on the neurons is interrupted by amyloid plaques that then prevent neurotransmission so the experiments of the mice which i think are so interesting was one experiment was the the maize experiment where the mice were put into an arena and they went out a corridor and they they went one way in the corridor they’d find food the other way is no food well very quickly the mice learned you know you go out the corridor go to the left you’ll find food they injected it then without toxic polypeptide that induces amyloid plaque formation that is a neurotoxin very quickly after two weeks or so the mice develop neuropathy they got confused they couldn’t remember which way to go it randomized upon giving these mice again mushrooms for a few weeks they nearly read normalized upon sacrificing the mice in the first part of the experiment they saw like my plaques and then demyelination the second part of the experiment of course another subset of mice they found that the myelin regrew and the amyloid plaque had resolved well there’s 100 mice you’re basically cutting off a representative sample where you sacrifice them you determine yeah that’s representative the population now the remaining population is alive they fed them the mushrooms and they found that they regained neurological function