Developmental Neurology Constellation
- The evolution of the human brain lead to our brains being immature at birth
- The brains of babies mimic the emotional conditions of their caregivers
- The reduced size of the corpus cullosum in abused children may lead to exclusively extreme perecptions of people
- The quality of the relationships with childhood caregivers determines the capacity for a healthy stress-response
- The overactive stress response of those who had a stressful childhood leads to an overvaluation of short-term relief
- The brains of abused or neglected children show reductions of the size of several brain structures
- Stress and maternal deprivation in infancy and childhood leads to excess stress chemicals
- Maternal deprivation leads to reduced levels of oxytocin
- A stressful childhood can result in an overactive stress response in later life
- Children serve to inject new ideas into the system of cultural evolution
- Spotlight consciousness
- Lantern consciousness
- The cerebral hemispheres are more independent in babies and children
- Babies and children are more reliant on the right hemisphere than the left
- ADHD and addiction can be traced to similar causes
- ADHD runs in families because of the parents own stress impacting their children, rather than pure genetics