- Call-out culture refers to an environment in which participants gain prestige and social capital for identifying small offenses committed by members of their community, and then publicly wokescolding the offenders. Call-out culture has arisen from a combination of common-enemy identity politics and microaggression training. People get no credit for speaking privately and gently with an offender—in fact, that could be interpreted as colluding with the enemy. So call-out culture requires an easy way to reach an audience that can award status to people who shame or punish alleged offenders. This is one reason social media has been so transformative: there is always an audience eager to watch people being shamed, particularly when it is so easy for spectators to join in and pile on.
- Lukianoff, Greg. Haidt, Jonathan. (2019). The Coddling of the American Mind Chapter 3 The Untruth of Us Versus Them Life is a Battle Between Good People and Evil People (Epub p. 96). New York, NY: Penguin Random House.
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