Atomic Habits An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

Author: James Clear Publisher: New York, NY: Penguin Random House. Publish Date: 2018 Review Date: 3.5/5 Status:

The Book in 3 Sentences


There are a few good ideas in here, but there’s a problem i have with this book that is pretty pervasive. Much of his methods for overcoming bad habits involve avoiding cues. What i think should be focused on more is self-control and discipline. When we avoid cues, the cue never actually loses its power, but simply lies dormant. We only overcome that urge by actively resisting it.

Many cues are simply unavoidle, so if we lack self-control because we usually avoid cues, then what do we do in such situations? If, say, our boss gets angry at us, then if we stop going to work, we’ll lose our job. Those who have developed self-control will fair better. Self-control is generally something we inevitably have to develop, and in most cases it’s far more worth it.

Avoiding cues can also be really inconvenient. For example, on my phone, entertainment is one click away, but my phone is also very useful. If i say, temporarily lock up my phone or something, i lose all of that value as well. Or when i write, i often use my browser to look things up. But i could easily use it to go watch netflix or whatever. I could either shut off my internet while i write, or simply resist that urge and

Who Should Read It?

How the Book Changed Me

My Top Three Quotes



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